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Exploring The Potential Of iBeacon Technology

Exploring The Potential Of iBeacon Technology

We are all familiar with the hype and popularity that the Apple Company has in the market as well as among users. With each launch in iPhone devices or iOS systems, Apple tries its best to launch new features and options. This is the reason why after years of production, it has still succeeded in maintaining its fame among people. In this article, we will be exploring the potential of iBeacon Technology. A feature that was launched in 2013 and has continued to prevail among the latest launches. We will also review some of its benefits, user cases, and how it has benefited the retail industry and businesses.

A Brief History Of The iBeacon Technology?

Before understanding the meaning and workings of iBeacon technology, it is essential to know the historical background of this technology. The launch of ibeacon ios stems back to 2013 when it was introduced in iOS 7. This technology has been a part of Apple’s company for a long time with its compatibility from the iPhone4 model and onwards. If we talk about the iPad series, it is compatible with third-generation iPad and fifth-generation iPad mini/iPod touch.

Since its launch, the technology of iBeacon has gained the attention of many users. This gave rise to the maximized usage of features and the development of various mobile applications for the technology to work and function properly. Various industries started to come up with solutions and ways to utilize and incorporate technology in working. Till now, professionals are introducing ways to make the best out of this service.

What Is iBeacon Technology?

The famous iPhone feature known as the iBeacon technology utilizes small-sized wireless sensors called beacons in order to notify the iBeacon-enabled mobile applications when an iPhone user is in proximate range of the beacon. The question that almost every reader might ask is how data is transmitted between a beacon and a mobile app. The answer is simple. iBeacon technology utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals to transmit this data. In the next section of the article, we will discuss what BlE is.

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What Is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)?

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a technology that was launched in iOS7 and Android 4.3 versions. The purpose of this technology is to transfer data, but at the same time, it focuses on consuming less amount of energy so that the battery life of a device can be saved and optimized. Though this technology is one of the most valuable technologies in transmitting small amounts of data, the only drawback is that through BLE, you can not send large files such as audio or videos.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the main element of iBeacon Technology, as it allows data to be transmitted between beacons and mobile apps successfully.

How Does The iBeacon Technology Work?

How Does The iBeacon Technology Work

While understanding the working of the ibeacon ios technology, it is essential to keep two elements in mind.

  1. Mobile application.
  2. A physical store or environment.

Up till now, it has been made clear that iBeacon technology itself is composed of BLE technology and sensors to transmit and receive data. But how are these technologies working? The answer is through mobile applications which make sure that users get connected to beacons once they are in the proximate or closest range and physical stores or surrounding where these sensors can be installed.

In the beginning, sensor chips used to be significant in size, but nowadays, these chips are as small as a sticker on a wall. This unique quality makes it easier to install sensors in many places. The reason why mobile applications are necessary to be installed for accessing iBeacon technology is that users will only get notifications and data when the app is running. In this way, the user can control the load of data being received by the mobile phone, and it also assures security as your location is not being tracked all the time.

5 Reasons To Consider iBeacon Technology

With a storm of technologies being launched and having their own benefits and usability, consumers always wonder about the reasons to explore the newly launched technologies. The same goes with ibeacon ios technology. Below mentioned is a list of some of the reasons to consider iBeacon technology.

● Accuracy.
● Privacy.
● Integration.
● Usability.
● Affordability.

  1. Accuracy

The first reason to consider iBeacon technology is that it promotes accuracy while transmitting data. Since you will only get a notification while being the proximate location, the data is often limited but accurate. For instance, finding a store, finding a product in the mall, a food chain, etc.

  1. Privacy

As mentioned previously, iBeacon technology promotes privacy. Since the sensors get activated and data is transmitted only when the app is working, users can feel confident regarding their devices not being tracked all the time.

  1. Integration

iBeacon technology is an integral part of Apple technology that focuses on combining with other features to provide a seamless and efficient user experience.

  1. Usability

The usability of iBeacon technology is another reason to consider the potential this feature holds. Since its usage of BLE, ibeacon ios focuses on saving battery life and usability of devices. Another factor is that it is a part of the iPhone operating system, which means you do not have to put extra effort into installing or incorporating the technology into your device.

  1. Affordability

There are multiple mobile applications that are developed for the purpose of iBeacon processing. Since most of them are free, this technology promotes affordability in the best way possible.

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What Are The Types Of Connection That Beacon Technology Can Utilize?

What Are The Types Of Connection That Beacon Technology Can Utilize

As a Beacon technology user, it is essential to have information regarding the different types of connections this technology can utilize for effective working. Three of them are.

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
  • Wifi Connection.
  • Hybrid Or Combined Technologies.
  1. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

The first type of connection is BLE which has been discussed in detail previously in the article. BLE transmits data while utilizing low levels of energy and saving the battery life of devices.

  1. Wifi Connection

Next in line is a wifi connection. This does not include any type of wifi connection but mainly focuses on Wifi Aware, launched in 2015. The goal of this network is to promote indoor positioning while utilizing low-power wireless networking. It serves a similar purpose to BLE.

  1. Hybrid Or Combined Technologies

Some companies that develop and supply beacons are known for their hybrid procedures. They combine various kinds of technologies to locate and transmit data.

What Is The Difference Between Beacons and iBeacons?

What Is The Difference Between Beacons and iBeacons

One of the top most questions that users get confused with is the difference between beacons and iBeacons. Since both of these terms are interchangeably used, it is necessary to understand their difference. On the one hand, a beacon is a part of technology simply known as a chip that is used to transmit data. Meanwhile, iBeacon is the name of technology launched by Apple company for iPhone users.  Though beacons are included in the iBeacon technology, the technology itself is developed for iPhone users on;y, hence the addition of the alphabet ‘i’ before the name.

Is iBeacon Limited To iPhone only?

A misconception that has entirely misguided a lot of mobile phone users is that beacons are only limited to iPhone users because the technology is named as iBeacon technology and also got famous after its launch in iOS7.  But this is not the case. Just like iPhone users, Android users can too make use of this technology but in different versions and not the iBeacon version.  There are many companies that develop beacons for Android companies and users.

For Android users to make use of iBeacon technology, it is necessary for the app to be running in the background each time you want to get data. Meanwhile, with iPhone users, this case is not necessary.

What Are The Benefits Of iBeacon Technology?

Moving on to the benefits of iBeacon Technology, these are only some of the many benefits this technology provides. With its rise in different industries and business sectors, iBeacon technology has not disappointed to benefit every domain. But here, we will only focus on some of the general benefits of ibeacon ios technology.

  • A Unique Way Of Reaching Out To Customers.
  • Informing Users Regarding Important Events.
  • An Aid To Gamification.
  • Cost-Saving And Budget-Friendly.
  • User-Friendliness.
  • A Great Tool for Interior Mapping.
  • A Fantastic Way To Recieven User Feedback.
  1. A Unique Way Of Reaching Out To Customers

Before the launch of iBeacon technology, no technological feature was designed in a way that would reach out to customers based on proximity. Neither did any technology decide to transmit data in such a unique and valuable way. After its launch, people got benefitted from this technology as it does not bombard users with data and information, only accesses when the app is running, and focuses on proximity.

  1. Informing Users Regarding Important Events

Another benefit of this technology is that brands and companies can notify users regarding essential events like new store openings, new product launches, promotional or seasonal sales, etc. This would gather more audience and would target new as well as old consumers.

  1. An Aid To The Gaming Industry

iBeacon technology has entered the world of the gaming industry as well. With its launch and usage in Augmented Reality (AR) games, players can now unlock new stages and treasures by acquiring information and data regarding new places and locations. This not only helps the users but also creates a sense of fun, excitement, and ease while playing.

  1. Cost-Saving And Budget-Friendly

One of the beneficial advantages of iBeacon technology is that it is a cost-saving and budget-friendly option for both users and installers. The cost of these chips and the installation process do not require much money, and the process of maintenance is also affordable. As for users, they have to download and access mobile applications only to make use of the technology.

  1. User-Friendliness

iBeacon technology is a user-friendly technology as it does not require thorough learning and training to understand how this feature is activated or utilized. The best part is that it is a built-in feature of the operating system, so it is evident that once you get an iPhone, you get access to the technology. The next step is downloading the required application, and voila. You are ready to explore the world in a more convenient, efficient, and effective manner.

  1. A Great Tool for Interior Mapping

Stores or places that utilize beacons for interior mapping and location provide the advantage of saving time and energy to users. Reports have shown that 26% of purchases in a store are facilitated by beacons. With the help of a mobile application, you will quickly get notified regarding the products you want. Rather than searching in multiple aisles, you will be able to find the accurate aisle and section you want.

  1. A Fantastic Way To Recieve User Feedback

Last but not least, iBeacon technology enables mobile applications to be a fantastic way to receive user feedback and manage customer care and services. Through these apps, you can get insights on how to improve services, areas of the establishment, and other strengths and weaknesses regarding the store, the services, or the application itself.

Areas Of Implementation For iBeacon Technology

Until now, the basic understanding and benefits of iBeacon technology have been provided in this article. But it is also crucial to keep notice of industries or sectors that are being benefitted by the iBeacon technology. Below mentioned list only includes some of the industries that are utilizing and making the most out of the iBeacon feature.

  • Retail Industry.
  • Gaming Industry.
  • Travel Or Transport Industry.
  • Sports Industry.
  • Hotel Management Sector.
  • Business Sector.
  • Food And Beverages Industry.
  • Healthcare Industry.
  • Real Estate Industry.

A List Of Companies Utilizing The iBeacon Technology

In the last section of the article, we will provide you with a list of companies that have been utilizing the iBeacon technology for a long time. Remember that these industries are not just limited to one industry but include different fields.

  1. Sephora – a cosmetic and beauty brand.
  2. Martini – an alcohol brand.
  3. Luxembourg Buses – a transport brand.
  4. Ida Rupp Public Library – a public library.
  5. Allrecipes – a grocery mart.
  6. Makelaarij Hoekstra – a real estate agency.


In the fast-moving world of technology, it is a bit difficult to stay updated and connected with trends and features. But with the ease of user-friendly technologies and mobile applications, this task is done while eradicating unwanted complexities. As an app developer, it is high time to avail the iOS app development services of mobile app development companies that will guarantee results and success in no time.

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